Are you a company with ambitious aspirations?
Efficient Dynamic Social Media is a service that consists of designing and executing marketing and communication strategies specially designed for small and medium-sized companies that do not know how to calculate the return on their investments.
Our own method has been created to make an impact with your target audience , we suggest you create a content strategy that takes into account your real goals, the characteristics of your products and services.
Working since 2010 in the marketing and communication sector, at we propose you to create a marketing strategy closely linked to quality content. If we manage to attract the attention of consumers and position companies well, the results will not be long in coming.
Pack Social Media Dinàmic Eficient
Monthly advertising campaigns to social networks
(Value of 100€)
10 hours of actions oriented to the detection of business opportunities
Newsletter Monthly, designed drafted and envoy for our team of professionals
3 Optimum simple articles for blog with free images of right
Monthly writing of an informative piece + Distribution and publication to press guaranteeed
25 Monthly publications to social networks
Rapport Monthly where detail the actions realised and his results
Monthly meeting of follow-ups and planning of future actions
SME 1460 € / month
Contact us without obligation so that we can make the first TRACK OF BRAND for free and remember that adapts to the unique needs of each business project.