Services I offer you
We will start by listening, we will continue to analyze. We will anticipate and plan communication actions that impact. We will talk with users and finally we will sell and build loyalty. How? With the services I propose below:
Entrepreneurial impulse
We will draw up communication and marketing plans that allow any project to take off, in any sector or situation. We will maximize the return on investment by thinking of strategic actions that allow starting and stabilizing a new business project.
Public relations
We will manage and build relationships with the Administration and the target audiences involved in each institution's own interests. We will make maps and plans of institutional relations where we can establish associative or political alliances. We can organize events, prizes or manage sponsorships, among others.
Reputation crisis management
We will breathe, take air and together we will manage any kind of internal or external crisis. We will identify and analyze the risks. We will create internal and external content that will help us deploy transversal actions to eradicate any reputational risk. We will generate crisis manuals and action protocols in different spaces and formats. We can remove negative comments.
Communication and Digital Marketing
Communication and Internal Marketing
We will design internal communication management strategies, developing the digital transformation, shaping the company's mission and values or creating spaces to improve the experience and interaction with the company's employees.
Communication and External Marketing
Communication and Marketing Consultancy
Lluís Feliu and Roe
Director of Communication and Marketing
Tel. 636 766 922 – 931 929 647
[email protected]