edeon.net Communication  Barcelona

We manage the communication of Tribuna Sant Cugat Empresarial again


From edeon we have once again managed the communication of this landmark event in the Catalan business sphere. From the agency, we have been in charge of communication with partners, coordination with registrations, the call of the media, the relationship with journalists, the coverage of the event live from social networks, the writing of the press release, the chronicle for the web, the coordination of questions from the attendees, the digital photo galleries and the support in the organization of the event.

We know that organizing an event is not easy and that is why our entire team tries to put itself at the service of the organizer to make any of the managements that need to be carried out easier.

In addition, in this edition, we also wanted to collaborate by giving a hand with internal aspects as part of the accreditations of the event. By actively participating in the Tribuna Sant Cugat Empresarial we feel useful and help highlight the potential of our city's economic fabric. It is a matter of pride for us that Sant Cugat Empresarial has once again trusted our services to continue to be one of the most important events in the Sant Cugat region.