Sophisticated consumers
The relationship of companies with consumers is changing and little by little new types of consumers are emerging that demand different formulas to communicate.
According to a report by the consultant Llorente & Cuenca , new consumers increasingly attach more importance to the sustainability and to the Transparency , basic axes to generate trust between company and consumer.
Knowing that the consumer is increasingly concerned about the environment, healthy life and sustainability in general, companies are almost forced to adopt these concepts in their vocabulary, and most importantly, their way of acting in the different markets.
Studios of Nielsen i Deloitte They also say that consumers are increasingly aware of the sustainability behind the products they buy, and this is where the social marketing It can play an outstanding role in differentiating companies and promoting their market penetration.
From the content marketing agency, , we see constantly how consumers are adopting environmental awareness today green consumers They are all those who, with their strength, are forcing companies as important as Unilever, Nestlé, Daimler, or companies associated to Sant Cugat Empresarial or establishments of Sant Cugat Commerce , for example, adopt sustainability filters in their manufacturing or distribution processes.
This clean look of sophisticated consumers is the one that will manage to promote the co-branding Among companies that today could never have imagined that they could work side by side. Joining a common goal will open horizons and allow many companies to grow up because of it win - win It is only the will to work well so that we all win.