edeon.net Communication  Barcelona

53.4% of users visit for the first time e-deon.net during the month of August.


The report extracted from   Google Analytics   It shows that 53.4% of users, who have visited the website, have done so for the first time during the month of August. A very interesting and positive figure for e-deon.net, taking into account the time of the year in question, since it is not easy to acquire new users during the months of lower level of work activity.

This document allows us to determine that the most productive days have been those of the last week of August, reaching the highest quota of 50 sessions in one day. In more particular terms, the website received a total of 156 users, of which the average duration per session was 07.43 minutes. This figure indicates that the website has an attractive, visual or informative look that captures the attention of the person who initiates a session. All registered users, during the month of August, have made some 268 sessions with an average of 5.53 pages per session. Also, it should be noted that the number of pageviews uploaded by visitors, visiting   e-deon.net , adds a total of 1,482.

The only negative aspect to be reviewed is the 51.49% bounce rate. This indicates that, for some reason, just over half of the users who visit the web go without charging or doing any other type of operation on the company's website. On the other hand, there is 46.6% that are part of a group of users who have already visited one or more of the website of   e-deon.net .

Finally, the report of   Google Analytics   It allows you to find out the territory / country from where the sessions are held. Spain is the first with 73.13% of sessions, followed by Brazil with 6.34% and the United States with 5.60%. The top 10 also includes Germany, Egypt, United Kingdom, France, Colombia and Italy with a percentage of sessions ranging from 4 to 2 percent. A sample of the worldwide internationalization of the company.

By: Oriol Marquès Anglarill